
Finding Lauren Gembry saved my life.

At the absolute darkest moment in my life, I was lucky enough to find Lauren Gembry. When other Doctors said no because of their own liabilities and selfishness, Lauren welcomed me. From the very first meeting I found it so easy to talk to Lauren. It feels like I'm chatting with a life-long friend or sibling (who happens to know everything about addiction and recovery). With her guidance, and wisdom I've been able to take back control of my life and one step at a time, get back to being the person I can and want to be. I really don't know where I would be without Lauren. Words are not enough to explain how much I appreciate Lauren and her help. I cannot encourage you enough to seek Lauren's help for yourself if you are dealing with something similar. Lauren, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I have been working with Mickey for a little over a month now and have had the most fulfilling experience so far. Mickey has been a shinning light in my life during an extremely dark period. I have always been pro-therapy but stopped going once the pandemic hit. When I first started looking for a therapist to work with again it was a nightmare. I had such an awful experience trying to find therapy. I kept running into walls, whether no new clients weren’t accepted or the price was out of my budget or location was not convenient. I actually initially scheduled time with Lauren but her schedule was booked. This was the moment I knew The Road Worth Traveling was different. Lauren personally followed up with me and recommended I work with Mickey. Instead of just leaving me to fend for myself she took the time to make sure I received the support I was desperately seeking. I can’t thank Lauren enough for connecting me to Mickey. Speaking to Mickey on a weekly basis is truly enjoyable and gives me the mid-week reset that I need. If you are seeking a therapist, I strongly recommend reaching out to The Road Worth Traveling. Everyone deserves to be heard and be healthy. Look no further than The Road Worth Traveling.

I'm so grateful to have found Lauren. She is a nurturing and inclusive therapist who is terrific at listening and providing gentle guidance, as well as concrete coping strategies. She is incredibly encouraging and understanding. I have had many therapists/counselors over the past 15+ years....and Lauren stands out as most supportive and relatable.